1. No Moss Grows… Under a rambling rose. After our holiday break (extended one week due to snow on December 14), we will get right back to dancing this first week of 2017. We will hit the boards tomorrow night, January 4, at the Ankeny Studio from 7-9 pm. As a reminder, we are not starting a new series of lessons this January. Instead, we are going to work on mastering the Mainstream calls that we just learned. We also hope to have enough Plus-level dancers so we can work in a few Plus tips, too. Our goal here is to elevate the skill level for all dancers. Since we won’t have income from student fees, we are asking for a $3 donation from all dancers–except those who started class in June or September 2016–to defray the cost of studio rental and to pay Ian. These Mastering Mainstream, Practicing Plus (M2P2) dances will continue on Wednesday evenings as long as there continues to be interest. We hope to see you there!
2. Black and White Dance. Our annual Black and White Dance will take place on Saturday, January 14–the second Saturday in January. Our traditional caller for this dance, Stephen Cole, will be back. Everyone is encouraged to wear some combination of black and white attire–but as with all Ramblers dances, we don’t have a dress code, so wear what feels comfortable. This dance will take place at the Milwaukie Grange, with a potluck at 6:30 and alternating Mainstream and Plus tips from 7:30 to 9:30.